Safe, humane removal of most wildlife

Racoons: Adaptable to urban and suburban settings, raccoons identify a readily available food source and will chew through roofs to establish a nest in an attic or garage.

Groundhogs: These critters will never enter your home but can cause significant damage to your yard as they burrow under the ground and gnaw on landscaping.

Rodents: Rats, mice, gophers, and chipmunks are among the many rodents that will climb, dig, burrow, and chew their way into and under structures in and around your home.

Skunks: These burrowing creatures can spray their noxious scent as far as 20 feet and will often use crawlspaces beneath patios and decks to create a den near a food source.

Squirrels: Squirrels are generally not aggressive, but they can be if you catch them by surprise nesting in your attic.

Beavers: A large, water-loving rodent, beavers are generally found only around rivers and marshland, where they may become a problem by contaminating a needed water supply.

Opossums: Opossums prefer to nest in hollows of trees or dens abandoned by other animals, but they will choose your garage or shed if it is near a food source such as a garden, pet pen, or garbage cans.

Snakes: Generally found in wood or leaf piles and under rocks, snakes will favor areas frequented by the rodents they eat. Whether venomous or not, they typically will bite only if cornered.

Bats: These nocturnal creatures may go unnoticed in your attic, garage, or chimney, but should be eradicated due to their damaging and dangerous droppings.

Birds: Birds of any species are great for finding a missing soffit vent or crawling through an unscreened attic vent and nesting in your attic.